

Using the Unlighthouse CI helps you to avoid regressions on your entire sites Google Lighthouse issues.

Using the Unlighthouse CI helps you to avoid regressions on your entire sites Google Lighthouse issues.


Unlighthouse aims to keep the installation size small, for this reason it depends natively on your locally installed chrome.

To use Unlighthouse in a CI context, you'll need to install puppeteer alongside the cli.

npm install -g @unlighthouse/cli puppeteer
# yarn global add @unlighthouse/cli puppeteer
# pnpm install -g @unlighthouse/cli puppeteer



You may want to generate reports that can be consumed by other tools. To do you can use the reporter options:

  • json - A simple JSON report which contains the URL and top level scores. This is the default.
  • jsonExpanded - A full JSON report which contains the URL, score, metric and category breakdowns.
  • csv - A simple CSV report which contains the URL and score.
  • csvExpanded - A full CSV report which contains the URL, score, metric and category breakdowns.
  • lighthouseServer Uploads the report to your lhci server
  • false - Don't generate a report.

You can specify the reporter option with the --reporter flag or the ci.reporter config option.

# Run the CI with an expanded JSON report
unlighthouse-ci --site <your-site> --reporter lighthouseServer
export default {
  ci: {
    reporter: 'lighthouseServer'

Budget assertions

Unlighthouse simplifies budget assertions. You can provide a single budget number which will be used to validate all pages and on all selected categories.

# Run the CI with a budget, will fail if any pages report any category less than 50
unlighthouse-ci --site <your-site> --budget 50

Alternatively, you can provide a configuration file with a list of budgets for each category.

export default {
  site: '',
  ci: {
    budget: {
      'performance': 50,
      'accessibility': 100,
      'best-practices': 90,
      'seo': 90,
# Run in the directory the unlighthouse.config.ts is in

Build static report


Pass the --build-static flag to the binary to generate the static files needed to host the report.

unlighthouse-ci --site --debug --build-static

This will generate files in your outputPath (.unlighthouse by default).

You can upload the directory client to a static host from there.


Configuring the CLI can be done either through the CI arguments or through a config file.

CI Options

-v, --versionDisplay version number.
--site <url>Host URL to scan.
--root <path>Define the project root.
--config-file <path>Path to config file.
--output-path <path>Path to save the contents of the client and reports to.
--budget <number>Budget (1-100), the minimum score which can pass.
--reporter <reporter>Which reporter to use. Options are csv, json, csvExpanded, jsonExpanded, lighthouseServer.
--lhci-host <lhci host>URL of your LHCI server. Needed in combination with the lighthouseServer reporter.
--lhci-build-token <lhci buildToken>LHCI build token, used to add data. Needed in combination with the lighthouseServer reporter.
--build-staticBuild a static website for the reports which can be uploaded.
--cacheEnable the caching.
--no-cacheDisable the caching.
--throttleEnable the throttling.
--samplesSpecify the amount of samples to run.
--urlsSpecify explicit relative URLs as a comma-separated list.
--router-prefixThe URL path prefix for the client and API to run from.
--enable-javascriptWhen inspecting the HTML wait for the javascript to execute. Useful for SPAs.
--disable-javascriptWhen inspecting the HTML, don't wait for the javascript to execute.
--enable-i18n-pagesEnable scanning pages which use x-default.
--disable-i18n-pagesDisable scanning pages which use x-default.
--disable-dynamic-samplingDisable dynamic sampling.
-d, --debugDebug. Enable debugging in the logger.
-h, --helpDisplay available CLI options

Config File

If you want to configure Unlighthouse, you can create a unlighthouse.config.ts file in your cwd.

export default {
  site: '',
  debug: true,
  scanner: {
    device: 'desktop'

See the Configuration section for more details and the guides.

Github Actions & Netlify Example

This example is for Github Actions and deploys a static client build to Netlify.

name: Assertions and static report


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: npm install -g @unlighthouse/cli puppeteer netlify-cli

      - name: Unlighthouse assertions and client
        run: unlighthouse-ci --site <your-site> --budget 75 --build-static

      - name: Deploy
        run: netlify deploy --dir=.unlighthouse --prod --message="New Release Deploy from GitHub Actions"
          NETLIFY_SITE_ID: ${{ secrets.NETLIFY_SITE_ID }}