

Using the Unlighthouse Nuxt module allows you to close the feedback loop in fixing your Google Lighthouse issues in your development site.

Using the Unlighthouse Nuxt module allows you to close the feedback loop in fixing your Google Lighthouse issues in your development site.


yarn add -D @unlighthouse/nuxt

Git ignore reports

Unlighthouse will save your reports in outputDir (.unlighthouse by default), it's recommended you .gitignore these files.



To begin using Unlighthouse, you'll need to add the module to buildModules.

When you run your Nuxt app, it will give you the URL of client, only once you visit the client will Unlighthouse start.

Nuxt 3

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [

Nuxt 2

export default {
  buildModules: [

Type support can be added by adding the @unlighthouse/nuxt module to your plugins. Nuxt v3 will automatically add type support.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [


You can either configure Unlighthouse via the unlighthouse key in your Nuxt config, or you can provide a unlighthouse.config.ts file in the root directory.


export default {
  unlighthouse: {
    scanner: {
      // simulate a desktop device
      device: 'desktop',