
Configuring Google Lighthouse

How to configure Google Lighthouse using Unlighthouse.

Unlighthouse uses the lighthouse node module to perform scans.

Lighthouse configuration

Any configuration available to lighthouse can be passed through on the lighthouseOptions key to change the behaviour of the reports.

See lighthouse configuration for details.

export default {
  lighthouseOptions: {
    throttlingMethod: 'devtools',


Unlighthouse aims to minimise and simplify configuration, where possible.

For this reason, a number of configurations aliases are provided for your convenience.

You can always configure lighthouse directly if you are comfortable with the configuration.

Selecting Categories

By default, Unlighthouse will scan the categories: 'performance', 'accessibility', 'best-practices', 'seo'.

It can be useful to remove certain categories from being scanned to improve scan times. The Unlighthouse UI will adapt to any categories you select.

Only Performance

export default {
  lighthouseOptions: {
    onlyCategories: ['performance'],